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Privacy Policy

How we use your information
This privacy notice provides information about the ways in which Irish Point-to-Point Services collects, stores, shares or keeps personal information provided by our customers. Irish Point-to-Point Services takes the privacy of your information very seriously and respects your right to privacy. If you are not happy with this privacy policy, you should not use this website.

Scope of this privacy policy
This privacy policy applies only to the actions of Irish Point-to-Point Services and users with respect to this website. It does not extend to any websites that can be accessed from this website, including, but not limited to, any links we may provide to social media websites.  

Using our website
Our website (www.P2P.ie) has introduced cookies. The purpose of the cookies is solely to assist the company with research ahead of any future redesigning of our website to ensure we provide relevant information in an easily accessible format.  Please see below for our Cookie Policy.

Online registration/Online Entry:
Online registration is required in order to become a member of the P2P.ie member’s area or to make a race entry via P2P.ie. To facilitate this, Irish Point-to-Point Services offers an online payment and registration system. Customer usage is tracked to ensure that customers supplying payment information can do so in a safe and secure manner.

When a customer uses our Online Registration function, a session cookie is created. This creates a unique identifier, ensuring that your payment details can only be attached to your application, guarding against fraudulent activity. The session cookies have a short lifespan and ‘time-out’ after a short period of time. The cookies are not logged by Irish Point-to-Point Services and we do not retain a record.

The information stored on a member can include, name, email address, postal address, phone number, mobile number and payment details.

Race DVD Purchases:
In order to purchase a race DVD, website membership is not required. All DVD orders are dispatched by the individual video providers. In order for your order to be processed, we send the following information which you have provided us with, to the third-party provider: name, postal address, contact number and email address.

Calling our Helpdesk:
Irish Point-to-Point Services does not collect Calling Landline Identification (CIL) or any other information on the origins of a call. We do not record or retain phone conversations.

Emailing us:
Any emails sent to us are recorded and forwarded to the relevant person. The sender’s email address will remain visible to all staff tasked with dealing with the query. Please be aware that it is the sender’s responsibility to ensure that the content of their emails is within the bounds of the law. Unsolicited material of a criminal nature will be reported to the relevant authorities and blocked.

Links to other websites:
This website, may from time to time, provide links to other websites. We have no control over such websites and are not responsible for the content of these websites. This privacy policy does not extend to your use of such websites. You are advised to read the privacy policy or statement of other websites prior to using them.

Will p2p.ie disclose the Information it collects to Outside Parties?
p2p.ie does not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. We may choose to do so in the future with trustworthy third parties, but you can tell us not to by sending a blank e-mail message to info@p2p.ie. (If you use more than one e-mail address to shop with us, send this message from each e-mail account you use.) Also, p2p.ie may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related site information to reputable third-party vendors, but these statistics will include no personally identifying information.

In Summary
We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect on the site to make shopping at p2p.ie possible and to enhance your overall experience. We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. We may choose to do so in the future with trustworthy third parties, but you can tell us not to by sending a blank e-mail message to info@p2p.ie

Your Consent
By using our Web site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by p2p.ie.  

Irish Data Protection Commissioner:
Further information on your data privacy rights are available on the website of the Irish Data Protection Commissioner http://www.dataprivacy.ie

Data security is of great importance to Irish Point-to-Point Services and to protect your data we have put in place suitable physical, electronical and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure Data collected via this website.

Password access is required for certain parts of the website. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential.

We endeavor to do our best to protect your personal data. However, transmission of information over the internet is not entirely secure and is done at your own risk. We cannot ensure the security of your data transmitted to the website.

Changes to our Privacy Statement:
This is a live document, under regular review. This policy was last updated in May 2018.

How to contact us:

If you require further information regarding our Privacy Statement, you can contact us at info@p2p.ie or write to us at:

Irish Point-to-Point Services,
Grangeclare West,
Co. Kildare.


Membership of P2P.ie provides access to an extensive range of additional point-to-point content and features, exclusive only to P2P.ie members.


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